Amici di  Paganini

Those who share the objectives of the Association and wish to follow and support its activities can apply for membership by completing the form below and making the payment of the required fee to the account specified under:

Amici di Paganini at the indicated IBAN.; 

According to the Statute, the application will be forwarded to the Board of Directors. If reasons stated in the Statute make the application unacceptable, the fee will be promptly refunded.

The membership fees for the Association are as follows:

  • Ordinary: Annual fee: 50 euros
  • Young: Up to 26 years old; Annual fee: 15 euros
  • Supporter: Annual fee: starting from 100 euros

Members receive the newsletter, usually on a biweekly basis, updates on the Association’s activities, are entitled to discounts on admission to Association events, and can participate in events reserved for members. They also have access to a reserved area with Paganini-related content on the Association’s website.

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