Amici di  Paganini

The Berri and Viborny Paganini archives

16 Jul 2023 -

Among the initiatives undertaken by the Friends of Paganini, thanks to the personal efforts of the Honorary President Mr.Volpato, is the recovery of two among the most important archives about Paganini in the world: one is from Pietro Berri (1901 – 1979), also author of various works about the maestro of Genoa, another from Zdenek Vyborny (1919 – 1963), added by will of the heirs to the collections of the Municipality of Genoa. Today these materials of very high musicological interest of the two researchers are available at the Berio Library (Biblioteca Berio).

On 18 April 2012 at the Berio Civil Library Berio Roberto Iovino and Maria Rosa Moretti presented the work “The Paganini Archives of Pietro Berri and Zdenek Vyborny”, published by Stefano Termanini.

The book, edited by Maria Rosa Moretti, is the result of years of deeply detailed research of the editor and concludes the parable of the donation of the two Paganini archives, and allows to know their content, reordered thanks to a hard work with archiving.

Reading of the book allows us to also retrace the musicological pathway of the two researchers who, in the name of Paganini, quickly became penfriends and loyal collaborators. The fruit of their research, started in the first decade of the 20th century, reveals even today facts and unpublished or little known documents; the material they collected, even though already partially available today, is one of the foundational basis for all researchers of Paganini.