Amici di  Paganini

Journeys “in the footsteps of Paganini”.

16 Jul 2023 -

The great violinist, renowned traveller, left important memories in numerous cities in Italy and abroad.

Among the go-to destinations, there were repeated visits to Parma, at the tomb of the musician and in the famous Villa Gaione, bought by Paganini in view of a professional activity at the service of the Grand Duchess Maria Luisa, which never become real.

Nice, the city where the violinist died on 27 May 1840, was the destination of a tour in 2014.

Until the start of the pandemic the Association organized tours for members and for enthusiasts to Prague (2018) and Berlin (2019), two of the most important stops of the tour of Paganini between 1828 and 1834.

In November 2019, the Association organized a travel to the Paganini Festival in Beijing and from 26 November to 3 December, with a group of 22 persons organized the attendance of four concerts and visits to the Great Wall.

There’re various projects ‘in progress’ for the near future, starting from a trip to Vienna, first stop of the great European tour of Paganini, invited by the prince Clemens von Metternich.